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Approximate Building Estimation Software

It is a simple software that gives you an approximate idea about your day to day requirement of Material, Labour and Costing for Building construction.

Description Details

It is a simple software that gives you an approximate idea about your day to day requirement of Material, Labour and Costing for Building construction.
Users :- Layman,Developer and Technical Persons.
How ApproxBE Works :- Suppose you are planning to cast a Roof Slab, So You want to know how much Material required and it’s costing, ApproxBE can help you to calculate it within a few seconds.
Input & Output :- Minimum Input from user such as Length, Width, Depth and Ratio. Outputs are Quantities of Cement Sand Aggregates Shuttering Area Etc. Printed Output with Total Costing.
Items in ApproxBE :- Preliminary Approximate Estimation & Costing of a Building, Column, Beam, Slab, Footing , Brickwork , Plaster , Flooring and Shuttering

Contact Us

Ground Floor,
L-69, Baishnabghata Patuli Township,
P.O.-Panchyasayar, P.S.- Patuli,
Email : info@intellidigit.com
Phone : 033 6500 6474

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